Sunday, March 7, 2021

How To Understand Cats! Can We Talk To Cats?


cat care, cats health, cat training

Do You Speak Cat?

Communicating with animals and especially with our pets has always been a dream for human beings. All along history, Man has been able to domesticate some animals and the resources used to reach that goal have been diverse.

Cats are among of those domesticated creatures that Man has brought home for companionship and the quality of that coexistence depends greatly on how good the communication between the pet and its owner is. Since then, cat care has become an matter of responsibility.

In former posts, we have already explored the amazing topic of cat behaviour, trying to answer these questions: How well do we understand our cat? and Do we always interpret correctly what its purring and meowing mean? This time we share the latest breakthrough in the field of the communication between cats and human beings.

The latest breakthrough in this field comes up as the result of a research done by Japanese specialists who concluded and demonstrated that  "...felines have an astounding ability to understand our words. They can understand human language!" 

cat care, cats health, cat training
According to the above-mentioned research done in Tokyo, the Japanese researchers uncovered that domesticated cats are much more verbally sophisticated than the rest of the large, wild felines (tigers, lions and so forth) "It appears house cats have actually evolved to understand us as part of their domestication". It represents a special trait in domesticated cats which separates them from other felines.

The fascinating thing about this is that at their brain-level, domesticated cats have developed a sort of language of their own. In between the meows, purrs, and hisses there is a genuine language built on tone and word length.
So, according to this new breakthrough we can expect our cat pets to:
● Understand us by our pitch. 
They can tell if we're angry or if we want to hug them.
● Understand us by our words. 
They know their name, our name, and a host of other titles we assign to things around the house or activities.
● They have evolved to mirror us. It goes back to domestication. Watching humans communicate to each other through voice, cats have learned to mirror us in a fascinating way.

Domestic Cats Language

Can domestic cats language can be deciphered? In the wild, cats prefer to be pin drop quiet. They are hunters that catch prey by closing distance through silence and camouflage followed by a brief sprint. This is why when cats communicate to each other, the primary device is their body, not their vocals. Nonetheless, with you and me, cats constantly break this rule.

cat behaviour, cat care

Researcher Jonas Jurgella, has been working in the field of animal behaviour for fourteen years and his expertise has extended to the ever-exciting area of animal-human interaction, both verbal and nonverbal and he has also worked with hundreds of cat owners to help build bonds through the power of language and conversation. 
Jonas Jurguella confirms that domestic cats language can be deciphered and as a result of his expertise and hard work in this area of human-to-feline communication, he has even put together a condensed guide that every cat owner must have.
According to Jonas Jurgellas' guide, now cat owners  can: 

"Speak to their cats" in a way that he can understand. 

    Cats may not have the advanced language capability that humans do, yet they make sounds that can also be understood and interpreted by us.

Learn to interpret cat sounds as they're happening  

      Now you can finally understand if your cat is sick or just energetic.

● Read his thoughts by reading his body

It's tough to know when your cat wants to be left alone versus when he's genuinely sad and feeling secluded. Now you can tell using some verbal and nonverbal giveaways common to all felines. 
It is amazing to see how close humans have come to communicating with cats. Research results should encourage all of us to better try to learn all possible ways to build a closer connection with your own feline through the power of direct human to cat conversation and thus improve our coexistence with these amazing creatures that give us so much joy.

For more information watch this free video on how to understand and communicate with cats. 

If you want to learn more on how to stop your cat from spraying around the house check Cat Spraying No More.

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