Saturday, March 6, 2021

How to Remove Cat Urine Odour?

cat behaviour,  cats spraying, cat training

Facing Unpleasant  Situations Around Home

One of the least pleasant experiences of a cat owner is having all of the corners of the house invaded by the strong ammonia smell of cat urine. The fact that your cat may be urinating outside the litter box or spraying to mark territory uncontrollably all around home, is a signal never to be overlooked.

The challenge would be to spot the places where your cat has urinated and then to treat and clean them the soonest possible while still wet. If the cat pee dries up, then locating the right spot becomes tougher by having to either use a black light or simply by following the intensive smell.

Odour Removal Once the Urine Is Found

Once you have found the area it is important to eliminate the urine thoroughly and in such a way that your cat will be discouraged to come back and repeat doing so in the same spot. If cat pee accumulates in a same place it would cause an unpleasant streak of ammonia odour for a long period making it harder to eliminate.

Cat urine smell is rich in organic compounds that can be either water soluble or not. One of the reasons why it becomes hard to eliminate the heavy cat odour is the presence in it of uric acid which is not only non-water soluble but also has the capacity to adhere to almost all types of surfaces, making it tougher to deal with the cleaning of cat-urinated rugs, clothing, furniture as well as the typical spray-marked doors, door frames, walls and table and chair legs.

Tips to eliminate cats pee odour:

- Use a paper towel to clean the urine from hard surfaces, furniture and rugs.
- Avoid using a cloth unless you are prepared to throw it away afterwards.
- Use an enzyme cleaner whenever possible because they facilitate the elimination of the urine smell by breaking down the uric acid into ammonia and carbon dioxide.
- Soaking the affected area for about 15 minutes with abundant enzyme cleaner will permit enzymes to better do their job.
- Both, ammonia and carbon dioxide are slowly eliminated by dissipation during the drying process.
- Wash separately the clothing and slip covers after having treated them with an enzyme cleaner.

If you want to learn more on how to stop your cat from spraying around the house check Cat Spraying No More.

"Breakthrough Japanese study shows that cats can understand human emotions, even words". See here for more on how to understand and communicate with cats.

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