Monday, September 7, 2020

Toys For Cats and Instinct Playing.

cat toys, cats health

         Playful Hunters By Nature

Playing is important in the lives of cats especially while growing up. Cats are playful creatures and excellent hunters by nature. Playing helps them improve, develop and express their natural exploratory and predatory instincts. It is through playing that cats train and improve their skills for survival.

It is common to see cats curious about anything that moves and they love to jump, bounce, bite and inspect any objects that awaken their natural curiosity. This is true for objects that surround their natural environment as well as for simple toys that would make do for training purposes.

cat behaviour, cats health, cat training

cat toys, cat care, playful cats

Importance Of Understanding Cats' Behaviour

For cats owners it is important to know how to interpret cats behaviour and to be able to differentiate between healthy playing, rough playing and fighting. Kittens should be trained not to play with your hand and feet. Cats acquire their ability to soft bite from their early days when still under their mother's protection and it helps to avoid getting hurt while rough playing.

The use of toys is essential in helping your cat to reinforce their natural skills. Simple objects in movement are good enough to intrigue the cat and to urge him to run after them while jumping, bouncing and even trying to bite and scratch them. The use of claws is a natural instinct in cats.

cat behaviour, cat training

cat behaviour, cat training

If we pull any toy, chances are that your cat will chase after it, stimulating thus, its natural hunting behaviour. The more humans understand cats the more sophisticated and useful the toys created for these amazing creatures are.

Playful cat, cat care, cat toys

cat toys, playful cats

When your kitten does not want to use the toy for playing rough and instead tries to play rough with you, you must be firm in dissuading him from doing that.

You can raise your voice in a firm tone to let your cat know that what it is doing is wrong. You can also clap your hand to startle him away or simply try using the spray bottle method to distract the attention from the rough play of the object. Avoid spraying the fur or coat as this will mat the fur, and when the moment for grooming comes, it will not be a great experience for your or your kitten. Avoid hurting your cat for any reason.

Cat Toys by Purpose

Cats are like children when going through different stages of their early growth. Cats can also get bored very easily and the choice of the proper toys can depend on their age.

There are toys that serve any situation and purpose and with some positive reinforcement you can train your cat to be a very convivial pet. Some suggestions for toys include cat towers, small amounts of catnip, stuffed animals, ribbons, and plastic balls.

Scratch Post

Some persons recommend to cover your furniture with unpleasant textures to make the cat uncomfortable. 

The idea is to keep your cat away from your furniture to avoid clawing and destroying it. Instead, get a nice Scratch post.

Cat Tower

A cat would use the tower for playing as well as sleeping. A cat tower is a great way to teach your cat the right place where to climb when inside the house. A cat tower can be practical because cats will scratch at it rather than your couch. It will also keep them off the blinds or curtains.

Cat behaviour, cat health

There are different styles of cat towers and the more levels they have the more fun and enjoyment your cats will receive out of a cat tower.

cat behaviour, cat training, cattoys

cat bahaviour, cat training

The cat tower is a great playground for your cat especially if accompanied by another cat. Cats like to bat at ropes and other items dangling off the tower as well as going through little tunnels up to the next level.

Stuffed Mice

Stuffed mice may represent a must-have at any kitty’s playground. Not all stuffed mice are equally accepted by your cat pets. Leather and cloth mice also raise your cat's attention during playtime.

playful cat, cat toys, cat care

cat toys, cat training

Catnip Toys

Catnip toys are very popular. Catnip will help in wearing down faster your hyperactive cat. A good moment for some catnip is right before bedtime. Catnip should be given out sparingly. You must not give your cat catnip very frequently because it can alter its behaviour. They can start to depend on it and have mood swings.

Cats like the feel of certain things in their mouths and that is why they chew on paper, plastic and even your blankets. The feel of the material in their mouths allows them to clean their teeth or when they are teething it helps reduce the pain.

Getting your cat a toy keeps it from getting bored and it also helps in developing their natural instinctive skills from their early weeks of life.  Finding the right toys for each situation to be  reinforced it of utmost importance for cat owners to ensure a better and more harmonious  and long-lasting companionship with their cats .

For more about the amazing world of cats as pets, we suggest our next notes to reflect on how ready we are for adopting a cat as pet.

For more in-depth learning see our number one recommendation on Ultimate Cat Secrets 

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