Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Indoors Cats or Rather Outdoors?

Indoors, Outdoors, cats


         Cats In or Out? Where do you want your cat to hang round?

When it comes to adopting a cat as pet, the responsibility implied would push you to consider the necessary living arrangement inside the house and on the nearby premises outside of it. 
Getting ready for a pet demands valuing whether we want to have it inside the house all the time or rather outside. Would you be able to provide the right safety conditions in and out of the house? Is the adopted cat more of a domestic one or rather a feral cat to be domesticated?, are you ready to allow our pet in the house all the time?

To answer these questions we should focus on a balanced approach, when  it comes to adopting a cat as pet, the responsibility implied would push you to consider the necessary living arrangement inside the house and on the nearby premises outside of it. 
Getting ready for a pet demands valuing whether we want to have it inside the house all the time or rather outside. Would I be able to provide the right safety conditions in and out of the house? Is the breed of cat adopted more of a domestic one or rather a feral cat to be domesticated? Are we ready to allow our pet in the house all the time?, will I prefer indoor cats or rather outdoor cat? To answer these questions we should focus on a balanced approach.

         Cats Environment

Cats are as playful creatures as hunters by nature. Outdoors is cats' natural environment. They enjoy being outdoors climbing trees, playing in the shrubs, chasing after birds, mice and insects the same way as taking long naps and being cuddled indoors.
Domestic, feral, cats, indoors, outdoors 
Although domestic cats can be more of an indoor pet than an outdoor one, safety is a key factor the moment we need to leave them unsupervised while we are away. Improving indoor living and safety conditions may help reduce their outside excursions.
Providing them at home with proper toys, a scratching post, a litter box as well as plenty of space inside home with, at least a window post for them to look at the outside world, would be the way to go for a cat as pet.
Safety is also an issue when your cat pet goes outside farther than the usual nearby premises. The risk of getting lost or accidentally killed by a car are dangers that may worry cat owners the most. 
Sporadic encounters with other stray street animals raise worries about potential fights that may result in serious injuries for our pet cat that could even be affected by potentially negative health conditions of these other animals.  
For as much as we try at home to keep our cat clean and healthy the risk of them being exposed to fleas and ticks is always present. Having our pets properly vaccinated becomes a must once we have decided to adopt a cat as pet.
On the flip side, cat owners are to be found responsible for their pets' actions in the event of unpleasant encounters with other pets, kids or persons.

        Situations for serious problems

There are situations when you as a pet owner might find yourself in a serious problem if, for example, your cat assumes an aggressive stance and then scratches, bites or injures another person or his or her pet.
When your cat stays indoors the task of controlling for fleas, ticks, and the exposure to heart worms becomes easier but anyhow, your pet should be on a regular heart worm preventative.
As you can see, although we cannot completely negate our pet access to the outside world, there are many reasons why you should keep your cat pet indoors. 
Although you need to protect them from anything that might happen if they get outdoors, they now depend on you to provide them with the adequate conditions at home for them to be safe. Would you be ready for such a challenge?
Once you have decided for an indoors or outdoor cat, it is then time to explore more about how to adopt it. We invite you to see next why animal rescue groups are a great option for adopting a cat. 
For more in-depth learning see our number one recommendation on Ultimate Cat Secrets 

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